Homework Assignments - CISC 1110

Assignment #0- Hello World
Due: August 31. Reading: Chapter 1 (entire chapter except the last section), Chapter 2 sections 2.1-2.5

Assignment 1 will be to complete lab 2. It is due before class on Wednesday Sept 7.
Reading: Sections 2.6, 2.12, 2.14
You should complete CodeLab Chapter 0 and begin doing CodeLab Chapter 1.

Assignment #2 - Due Date: Wednesday, Sept 14.
Reading: Chapter 2 -- entire chapter except 2.11 and 2.16
Chapter 3, Sections 3.1 (input), 3.2(mathematical expression), 3.3 (type conversion), 3.6 (multiple and combined assignment), 3.10 (hand tracing).
Chapter 4, Sections 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4, 4.6, 4.8, 4.9
Assignment #3 - While loop and if stmt - Due Date: Wednesday, Sept 28
Reading: Chapter 5 -- sections 5.1-5.4

Assignment #4 - for loop and output files -Due Date: Thursday, Oct 6
Reading: Chapter 5 -- sections 5.5-5.9 and section 5.11 and 4.15 (scope)
Assignment #5 - functions - Due Date: Monday Oct 24
Reading: Chapter 6, sections 6.1-6.10
Assignment #6a - functions with reference parameters - Due Date: Wednesday Nov 9.
Assignment #6b - Arrays and Functions - Due Date: Monday Nov 21.

Reading: Chapter 7. You should be keeping up with the Codelab excercises as well.
Assignment #7 - Strings - Due Date: Monday, December 5
Sample Input File (right click and choose "Save link as")
Assignment #8 - Classes - OPTIONAL

What to submit:

  1. Source code of your program (include a comment at the start as shown in Lab0.)
  2. Contents of input and output files (when applicable).
  3. Contents of output window -- For help, you can use these instructions
  4. Memory Trace: a list of the variables in the program and the values they take on during program execution. If the list is long, a partial list is enough.
  5. Handcheck: the calculation that a human would do to solve the problem. This is used to check whether the program is logically working correctly.
    Note: You can type the memory trace and handcheck as a long comment at the end of your program.
Style is important! Be sure to include comments, to use meaningful variable names, and to properly INDENT.

How to Submit

Submit your homework BOTH by sending it as an attachment to the email address: prof.sokol.hw AT gmail.com AND as a hard copy on the due date in class, before class begins.

The subject should specify: CISC 1110: HW # Student name
You should attach all necessary files: source code, input, output, memory trace, hand check. You may type the handcheck info in the body of the email.

You may email questions about the homework. Be specific about the questions that you ask. For example, rather than saying "the program doesn't work," say when I compile, I get such and such error.

CodeLab exercises do not have to be submitted. When I login to CodeLab I can view your results.

Where to work on campus:

The main computer lab is located in the West End Building (WEB), at the far end of the athletic field, near the Ocean Avenue entrance to the campus. A C++ compiler is also available on some of the laptop computers in the Library and Library Cafe (ask at the front desk).