
  1. What is the textbook?
  2. Should we buy the textbook?
  3. How do I submit my homework?
  4. How do I create a ZIP file?

Some answers

  1. What is the textbook?

    The textbook is Reed's A Balanced Introduction to Computer Science. More details can be found on the information page.

  2. Should we buy the textbook?

    That depends on why you buy textbooks.

    If you like to read around a subject, to get additional background, then, yes, buy the book.

    If you only buy a textbook because you have to, or because the instructor says to buy it, then you don't need to. I will post the slides from my lectures on the web, and those, and the notes you take in class, should be enough to see you through.

  3. How do I submit my homework?

    See my notes on submitting homework.

  4. How do I create a ZIP file? See my notes on using ZIP.