cisc1110: introduction to computing using c++, gaming applications
unit I : introduction; output
thu aug 26 lecture ch 1: a brief history of c++; c++ organization; how to learn c++
ch 2: the basics of program writing
tue aug 31 lecture ch 2: programs from conception to execution; creating a real program
ch 4: basic declarations and expressions; basic program structure; simple expressions; the std::cout output object
thu sep 2 lab
  • assignment for unit I (due Sep 9)
    Note: the challenge example (third "hello world" on page 2) doesn't work on a PC. More information will be given in class on Tue Sep 7.
  • ASCII table
  • Unicode (for charts, select "The Unicode Standard...Code Charts" from the menu in the upper left corner)
unit II : simple data types
tue sep 7 lecture ch 4: variables and storage; variable declarations; integers; assignment statements;
floating-point numbers; math operators; floating-point divide versus integer divide
thu sep 9 no classes (rosh hashanah)
tue sep 14 no class (cuny friday)
thu sep 16 lecture ch 4: characters; boolean types
unit III : more data types
tue sep 21 lecture ch 5: arrays; random numbers; ch 8: for loops
thu sep 23 lecture ch 5: C++ style strings; constants; arrays of strings
unit IV : input; more on variables
tue sep 28 lecture ch 5: reading input; std:: class scope; C style strings; shortcut operators; formatted output; multidimensional arrays
thu sep 30 lecture ch 5: hexadecimal and octal constants; base conversion
tue oct 5 lecture ---->midterm review
thu oct 7 exam! MIDTERM EXAM #1 on units I, II, III and IV
unit V : control structures
tue oct 12 lecture ch 6: if statement; else statement; how not to use std::strcmp
thu oct 14 lecture ch 6: looping statements; while statement
tue oct 19 lecture ch 8: switch statement; break and continue
unit VI : functions
thu oct 21 lecture ch 9: functions; reference parameters, value parameters and return values
tue oct 26 lab
thu oct 28 lecture ch 9: variable scope; passing multiple parameters to functions; passing strings to functions
tue nov 2 lab
thu nov 4 lecture
tue nov 9 exam! MIDTERM EXAM #2 on units I through VI
unit VII : files
thu nov 11 lecture ch 16: C++ file I/O
unit VIII : basic algorithms
tue nov 16 lecture linear array operations: min, max, count; linear search
thu nov 18 lab
tue nov 23 lecture sorting algorithms
thu nov 25 no classes (thanksgiving)
tue nov 30 lecture run-time analysis of algorithms; searching algorithms
unit IX : simple classes
thu dec 2 lecture ch 13: simple classes
tue dec 7 lecture ch 13: more on simple classes
thu dec 9 lecture ---->review for final exam
thu dec 16 exam! DEPARTMENTAL FINAL EXAM (1pm-3pm)
ROOM 2127 N (Ingersoll)