
subject to change!
last updated: 14-mar-2010

unit I: software development
thu-jan-28130 NE course introduction (lecture)
tue-feb-25301 Nfoundations of software engineering
thu-feb-45301 Nsoftware processes
tue-feb-95301 Nsoftware patterns
thu-feb-115301 Nsoftware testing
tue-feb-165301 Nsoftware development lab system requirements student presentations:
thu-feb-18no class (cuny monday)
unit II: database systems
tue-feb-235301 Ninformation/database models
thu-feb-255301 Nmysql lab
tue-mar-25301 Ndata definition and manipulation in mysql
thu-mar-45301 Ndatabase lab
tue-mar-95301 Nscripting language access (PHP)
thu-mar-115301 NPHP lab
tue-mar-165301 NPHP and MySQL lab
thu-mar-185301 NMIDTERM EXAM
unit III: tools and technologies
tue-mar-235301 Nphpmyadmin
thu-mar-255301 Ncontent management systems
tue-mar-30no class (spring break)
thu-apr-1no class (spring break)
tue-apr-6no class (spring break)
thu-apr-85301 Nmidterm debriefing
tue-apr-135301 Ncase studies
  • facebook
    If you missed class, get notes from someone who was there. We discussed how to evaluate a web site for the case studies you need to do as part of project III. I will NOT post notes on this.
thu-apr-155301 Nproject III lab
  • how to hack wordpress... (lab III.3---instructions from the board during class will be posted here)
tue-apr-205301 Ninteroperability: XML
thu-apr-225301 NXML lab
tue-apr-275301 Ninteroperability: AJAX
thu-apr-295301 NAJAX lab
unit IV: intelligent systems
tue-may-45301 Nintelligent systems
thu-may-65301 Nintelligent systems lab
tue-may-115301 Nfinal project lab
thu-may-135301 Nfinal project lab
tue-may-185301 Nfinal project demonstrations
tue-may-25room tbaFINAL EXAM 10.30am-12.30pm